1. 雅思听力单选题的特点
(1) 题干、选项通常都较长,阅读量大,需要考生较快的阅读速度;
2. 单选题的解题思路
(1) 第一遍读题快速浏览所有题干,划出路标词;
don’t,didn’t,haven’t,have no,without,lack,there’s no等,选项中出现这些词,听音时注意原文如有否定词或否定形式出现,此选项为正确选项;
E.g. 1:Cambridge 4- Test 2-Section 2-Question 13
The international students find the stress especially difficult to deal with because
A. they lack the support from family or friends.
B. they don’t have time to make friends.
C. they find it difficult to socialize.
解析:在阅读选项时,注意A选项的lack为否定词汇(没有朋友、家人的支持);B选项也有否定(没有时间)。听音时应注意目标,原文是否有否定,是没有“支持”,还是没有“时间”。录音材料在重读without一词时,应注意与本题有关,之后说“social network”,“you know,social contact,family,friends”。通过否定词without及之后的词确定A选项为答案。
录音:And of course you should cope with all this without your usual social network. Youknow, the social contact, family and friends that you can rely on for help.
比较级或最高级在选项中出现如选项“They have to study harder than they did at school”,在听音时一定注意原文是否有比较级出现,如只听到study very hard,没有比较,此选项为干扰项。
E.g. 2: Cambridge4-Test 4-Section 2-Question 13
The walks offered by Travellite
A. cater for a range of walking abilities.
B. are planned by guides from the local area.
C. are for people with good fitness levels.
解析:A选项有修饰词a range of,C选项有修饰词good,在读选项时,应重点将这些词标注,而不是其后的名词。选项C的fitnesslevels是干扰的重点,与录音原文文字一致,但起限定作用的形容词good与录音原文中all含义不一致,所以C是错选。正确选项为A选项,a range of指的就是录音原文中的all。
录音:Each day we offer three separate walks catering for all skills and fitness levels.
E.g. 3: Cambridge5-Test 3-Section 2-Question 20
With regard to their English, the speaker advises that students to
A. tell their lecturers if they have problems understanding.
B. have private English lessons when they arrive.
C. practice their spoken English before they arrive.
录音:Having saidthat though, I’m afraid the lecturers will make little or no allowance for the presence of non-native speakers in the audience, so anything you can do to improve your spoken English, even beyond the pretty high level most of you have already reached will make your stay with us that bit more fun for you. Some extra practice before you arrive is worth more than, for example, private lessons afterwards when you won’t really have time.
E.g. 4: Cambridge 6-Test 4-Section 3
Questions 28-30
Which THREE topics do this term’s studyskills workshops cover?
A. An introduction to the Internet
B. How to carry out research for adissertation
C. Making good use of the whole range of library services
D. Planning a dissertation
E. Standard requirements when writing a dissertation
F. Using the Internet when doing research
G. What books and technical resources are available in the library
(2) 间接信息指的是:录音中听到的内容与正确选项中的内容貌离神合——经常是文字不一致,但意思一致;